Sunday, January 2, 2011

Gleaning Inspiration

I have been sitting at my computer between loads (and loads) of laundry, cooking supper and trying to avoid taking down the Christmas decorations. Well, pretending to be busy paid off and Eric packed everything in boxes and carried it all up to the attic. Now I don't have to pretend to be "busy" and get back to playing. :)

I love to blog hop, and see what other crafty women are doing. I started at one blog then went to another which led me to another which led to this.
Her latest project a 7 gypsies Library drawer! This is exactly the project I wanted to start next. My scrappy friends and I were just taking about what we would do with a Library drawer. Alycia started hers last night. Now I am all inspired and want to get busy! Hopefully I will find some scrappy time this week.

My time at Scrapbooks and More will be ending this week. I have been working there for three years now. I have met so many fabulous women while there. I will greatly miss seeing everyone there every week. I love being able to make someone smile, but usually someone else would make me smile. :) Even though the store will be closing it's doors, the doors to my scrappy heart will not close.

I love you all - Have a Happy Scrappy New Year!!!